Russian Ark

Release Date: October 18, 2002
Limited release

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If you thought the long opening single-take shot at the beginning of Snake Eyes was impressive, you'll be amazed at this film. The entire 96-minute movie is one long take, and you even get a good Russian history lesson in the process. Director Aleksandr Sokurov shot this film on digital video at the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Russia in late 2001, specifically December 23rd. If the single shot isn't impressive enough for you, maybe the elaborate costuming of each period we see and the many actors and extras that take part in this extravaganza will bowl you over.

The camera follows our narrator as he is given a tour by a 19th-century French diplomat (Sergei Dontsov) through both the historical building and 300 years of Russia's past. We see many of the great figures from Russia's rich history, including Peter the Great (Maksim Sergeyev), Nicholas I (Yuli Zhurin), and Catherine the Great (Mariya Kuznetsova). The entire film culminates with an extraordinary scene in the ballroom, with over 2,000 actors in full period garb. And no, Sokurov didn't use CGI. These are living, breathing actors and actresses.

It is already picking up awards since its world premiere at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival, including the Visions Award at the 2002 Toronto International Film Festival. Again, this is one of those movies that you will probably enjoy if you're interested in Russian history. But also those with a love of film in general should find the technical aspects of it astounding. (Marty Doskins/BOP)

Vital statistics for Russian Ark
Main Cast Mariya Kuznetsova, Maksim Sergeyev, Yuli Zhurin
Supporting Cast Vladimir Baranov, Sergei Dontsov
Director Aleksandr Sokurov
Screenwriter Aleksandr Sokurov, Boris Khaimsky, Anatoli Nikiforov, Svetlana Proskurina
Distributor Wellspring Cinema
Official Site
  • 2002 Toronto International Film Festival - Visions Award (Aleksandr Sokurov)

Awards page for Russian Ark
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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