The Final Cut

Release Date: October 15, 2004
Limited release

Dear Billy Crystal...You are no longer funny.  Sincerely, Robin.

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The Final Cut is set in a future world where all those conspiracy theorists who think microchips are being implanted in our brains turn out to be right. Instead of being used to control us by some shadowy government organization, however, they are used to record a person’s life, which can be downloaded upon the individual’s death and cut into a sort of human highlight reel. The reel is then presented to the deceased’s family as a memorial. But as with all new technology, there are factions that oppose the microchip technology, believing that it is being used for more than merely providing bereaved loved ones with comfort in their hour of grief.

Robin Williams will play a Cutter, a technician whose job it is to download the data from the microchips and assemble the In Memoriam reel. But his latest job has led him to uncover some things from his own history that he not only doesn’t remember, but that others want to keep hidden. The information has placed his life in jeopardy, and he must unravel the mystery of his dark past before he is stopped for good.

The Final Cut follows in a long science-fiction tradition of technology intended to benefit mankind that is being used to destroy it instead. This is the first studio film for writer/director Naim, who previously worked as a documentarian in his native Jordan. The film, being distributed by Lions Gate, is scheduled for release sometime in 2004. Whether the plan is for a wide or limited release is unclear at this point, although it should be noted Lions Gate generally handles limited and smaller-scale releases.

Box office success for a film like The Final Cut will depend a great deal on both critical reception and word-of-mouth, particularly the latter. Lions Gate has shown itself quite capable in the past of providing marketing support for films that garner sufficient early attention to create breakout potential, so if The Final Cut delivers the goods on-screen, Lions Gate will help get the news out to the potential audience. More will be known when a release date is set and further details on the finished product and the initial marketing campaign become clear. (Stephanie Star Smith/BOP)

Vital statistics for The Final Cut
Main Cast Robin Williams, Mira Sorvino, Thom Bishops
Supporting Cast Genevieve Buechner, James Caviezel, Mimi Kuzyk
Director Omar Naim
Screenwriter Omar Naim
Distributor Lions Gate
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site
Rating PG-13
Running Time 105 minutes
Screen Count 117
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture

Comparison films for The Final Cut
Adjusted Opening
Total BO
Adjusted Total
Minority Report 6/21/0235.68 37.09 3001 11889.00 11889.0 132.01 137.25 3.70
Matrix, The 4/2/9927.78 33.10 2849 9751.00 11133.0 171.38 204.23 5.82
Total Recall 6/1/9025.53 36.47 2060 12393.00 17033.0 119.39 170.59 4.68
Bicentennial Man 12/17/998.23 9.80 2519 3267.00 3730.0 58.22 69.38 7.07



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