Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles

Release Date: September 1, 2006
Limited release


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When Takata hears that his long-time estranged son, Ken-ichi, is seriously ill, he takes the bullet train from his small fishing village on the Japanese coast to Tokyo. When he gets there, however, he finds out that his son still wants nothing to do with him. He does learn from his daughter-in-law that Ken-ichi has been studying a traditional form of Chinese folk drama, and even traveled to China to hear famed actor Li Jiamin perform. Li had to cancel his performance that time, but promised to sing the legendary song "Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles" for Ken-ichi if he returned.

Takata takes this as an opportunity as one last chance to reconnect with his dying son, and travels to China himself to try to find Li and videotape his promised performance for Ken-ichi. The film follows Takata on his odyssey across mainland China to fulfill his quest. In the hands of director Zhang Yimou (The House of Flying Daggers, Hero, To Live, Raise the Red Lantern), it's certain to be a gorgeous journey. (Dan Krovich/BOP)

Vital statistics for Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles
Main Cast Ken Takakura
Supporting Cast Shinobu Terajima, Kiichi Nakai, Li Jiamin
Director Zhang Yimou
Screenwriter Zou Jingzhi
Distributor Sony Pictures Classics
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site http://www.sonypictures.net/movies/ridingalone/
Rating PG
Awards Awards page for Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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